+91 44 2496 8000 info@caplinpoint.net

Annual Action Plan

Action Plan for the year 2024-25

Particulars Rs. In Crs
Budgeted amount towards setting up of Hospital cum Diagnostics Center named Caplin Point Meenakshi Hospital through Caplin Point Meenakshi CSR Trust
Unspent CSR amount pertaining to FY 2020-21 3.99
Unspent CSR amount pertaining to FY 2021-223.15
Unspent CSR amount pertaining to FY 2022-234.50
Unspent CSR amount pertaining to FY 2023-244.35
Current year CSR Obligation is Rs 6.23 Crores, out of which up to Rs 1 Crore may be spent on any of the projects relating to approved areas as per the Company’s CSR policy and the remaining amount is earmarked for the Hospital cum Diagnostics Center5.23
Amount spent from the Unspent CSR account of FY 2020-21 during the financial year 2023-24 (includes administrative expenditure within permissible limits) towards setting up of Hospital cum Diagnostics center3.64
Amount spent from the Unspent CSR account of FY 2020-21 during the financial year 2022-23 towards setting up of Hospital cum Diagnostics center0.35
Amount spent from the Unspent CSR account of FY 2020-213.99
Balance unspent out of the Unspent CSR account of FY 2020-21Nil
Balance unspent earmarked amount for Hospital project17.23


  1. The unspent CSR amount pertaining to FY 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 shall be utilised towards Capital Expenditure like construction of hospital building, procurement & installation of machinery etc. Out of the unspent CSR amount pertaining to FY 2023-24, up to 50% may be utilised towards Capital Expenditure and the remaining may be utilised for operational expenditure of the Hospital once the Hospital commences its operations.
  2. The CSR Committee shall review the implementation of the CSR projects other than Caplin Point Meenakshi Hospital on quarterly basis and shall re-allocate the same if required to any other projects or towards Caplin Point Meenakshi Hospital.