+91 44 2496 8000 info@caplinpoint.net


At Caplin, we are deeply committed to giving back to society and the environment through our business operations. This commitment is woven into our vision, strategies, and operational excellence, ensuring that society, the environment, and our people are integral to our growth journey. Over the years, Caplin has fostered strong connections with communities around its areas of operation and other locations. Our objective is to actively engage with society, promoting financial inclusion, social inclusion, good health, and education for all.

Further, as part of Caplin Sustainability initiatives, we target the following goals going forward:

  • Strive to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge at all our facilities.
  • In an era marked by persistent climate change and human-induced disasters, Caplin is committed to alleviate human suffering by providing comprehensive disaster relief support such as relief funds, essential food supplies, medicines, and other critical materials to sustain livelihoods in communities affected by such disasters.
  • We are committed to expanding the utilization of renewable energy sources, aiming to surpass the reliance on traditional energy sources.
  • We are committed to integrate our value chain partners into all sustainability and social responsibility initiatives, ensuring a collaborative approach to achieving shared goals.
  • We prioritize the recruitment of employees from disadvantaged communities and local areas wherever feasible. The Company also invests in creating a sustainable talent pipeline by offering industry relevant skill development programs and nurturing local talent through internship opportunities at educational institutions near its corporate and manufacturing facilities.
  • We are dedicated in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment for all our employees.
  • We are committed to making quality healthcare accessible to underprivileged communities by organizing medical camps, supporting treatments, and establishing charitable hospitals. Towards this, we are already at the advanced stage of setting up a comprehensive Hospital cum Diagnostic center serving the local needs.